


One of the most visited and famous points is Pelourinho and this one to only 5 minutes walking. It has a very rich architecture and presentations can be seen of capoeira on the mercado modelo. The ” Elevador Lacerda ” this one almost at Pelourinho’s entry.

A panoramic walk along Bahia

Be prepared for a walk replete with beauty and art!!

You will discover the most beautiful views of the city. We will know the so called “Cidade Baixa” where we will see Itapagipe’s Peninsula. Then we will visit the ” Igreja do Bonfim ” the most famous of the city for demonstrating the syncretism bahiano (the mixing of the candomblé with the catholicism) and also the traditional “Bairro da Ribeira”. The high point of the walk will be the visit of the Mercado Modelo, constructed in 1861 to be the third customs of the city. Today it has 259 small shops, in those who can find what exists in crafts.


Declared by the UNESCO as Culture Heritage, the Historical Center of Salvador possesses thousands of houses of the XVIth, XVIIth century, and XVIII. and one majestic architectural set.


For those who enjoy the Sun and the sea they have diversity of beaches to choose: desert and extensive Beaches with the most beautiful landscapes, small beaches with the shape of shell. Morro de São Paulo is an example.

Mystical Bahia

The route of Mystical Bay leads you to knowing a bit more on another great wealth baiana: the candomblé. A religion brought by the slaves and that joined to the culture of our people. We will visit the “orixás” of the Dique do Tororó and you will know a bit more on these gods. Later, we will visit the “Terreiro llê Apô Ofonjá “, where Candomblé’s ceremonies are realized.


The combination of the Atlantic Vegetation and the beautiful of the beaches marks the natural landscape of the zone. Paradisiac places of crystalline and calm waters, where you can see the most impressives sunsets, the singing of the birds, the breeze of the sea, the shade of the palms and the peace of the lagoons.Cataracts, caves, rivers, hills and valleys do magician Bahía.